Sunday 2 April 2017

13. A Hard Place

"That's a pretty big whooper you got on your head Mirōven"a voice chuckled, "wouldn't be surprised if you'll be seeing things for a while now"

Mirōven winced open his eyes. He was still lying on the cave floor, but the rope binding him was gone. His head still hurt. Mirōven reflexively felt around his waist, his dagger was intact and in place.

It was beginning to get dark outside. He must have been out cold for a while. Mirōven looked for the source of the voice. Sitting near the cave entrance was a lean thin man, stroking the fur of a big beast which was lying on the floor. Mirōven recognised him.


Andrew looked at him.

"Right you are old friend"

Andrew picked up a bottle from the floor near him and walked over to Mirōven. He helped Mirōven to a sitting position with his back against the cave wall. Taking a bit of the potion from the bottle, Andrew spread it over the dark bruise on Mirōven's forehead.

"How did you.."

"Find you? You underestimate the force of love a brother has Mirōven. I knew you were in trouble and my sense of loyalty lead me."

Mirōven looked up at Andrew. Andrew burst out laughing

"I kid", he chuckled, continuing to apply the healing potion, "I met up with Shadowfoot in the forest, he got restless when you didn't show up and followed your scent here."

As if on cue, Mirōven's big wolf bounded into the cave. He gave Princess a quick snarl before running over to Mirōven. Andrew moved a bit back to give rider and wolf space. Mirōven hugged Shadowfoot and held him close, running his hand across the warm black fur.

Mirōven looked back up at Andrew, continuing to stroke Shadowfoot .
"But what are you doing in Akram? The last I saw you.. well I don't remember. At Grelf Beach?" Asked Mirōven, and suddenly stiffened as another thought crossed his mind " Where is General?"

"Slow down buddy. And I thought you were glad to see me" Andrew smirked as he moved back to Princess and sat down near her. He started stroking her fur once again, applying the potion, " I didn't come to Akram, was just passing by. Got a good offer to take care of a few rotten elves up north. And I know nothing about any General, unless it is the dead guy a little off outside you are talking about. Shadowfoot got extra agitated when he saw him."

"General's dead?" Mirōven was taken aback.

"So it seems I think"Andrew shrugged, "And in case you were thinking, I had nothing to do with it. Found him such. Was too bony, else Princess would've had him"

Mirōven placed a hand on his head and closed his eyes. It was supposed to be simple in and out bounty job, and he had messed up bad. General was dead. The One Army wouldn't be happy. His head hurt. Mirōven sighed.

There was a sudden commotion coming form outside, a lot of shouting and wailing. Andrew and Princess were immediately on their feet. Mirōven held onto an alert Shadowfoot and kept an eye on the entrance. The shouts grew louder and more numerous.

Andrew motioned all of them to stay still. Pulling his shawl over his face once again, covering his one bad eye, he sneaked to the cave entrance and peeked out. He stayed there absolutely still for a few moments, then crept back. Motioning princess not to move, he knelt down near to Mirōven.

"Trouble I think", he whispered, "Lottsa people gathered around that General guy you were speaking about. All armed. Around a hundred I would say"

Terror washed over Mirōven in waves.

"The One Army", he whispered.


Leo stared in disbelief. He had prayed the scout had made a mistake when he reported seeing a body.  But there was no denying it now. General lay sprawled on the ground in front of him, legs bent at unnatural angles. Blood soaked the soil near his head and a big blot had blackened the centre of his father's chest, as if someone had hit him with a sledgehammer. General's eyes were still open and in his right hand he clutched a crushed fruit from a nearby tree.

Braider placed a hand on Leo's shoulder. Leo barely registered it. His father was supposed to initialise him today, today was his 18th. This wasn't how it was supposed to be. The commotion behind Leo was gathering momentum as more and more of the One Army regrouped at a respectful distance behind their fallen leader and the news spread amongst them.

The kid was in shock, Braider noted. General had been a good friend and mentor, but now was not the time for emotion. He had to handle things delicately if the One Army had to survive this blow. Braider looked at General's son, and he couldn't make up his mind on whether or not the kid could step into the shoes of one of the greatest men he had ever met.

Leo suddenly bent down on one knee. He stayed still for a moment, and then slowly, deliberately, closed his father's eyes. He got back up on his feet, and looked at Braider with remorseless eyes. Braider saw the determination he had very often seen in General's eyes flash through Leo's. The One Army's Commander made up his mind.

"I want revenge" Leo said.

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