Friday 27 January 2017

5.Cross Over

The forest dappled in the morning light,the shadow of leaves dancing and making patterns on his face.Cobwebs,wet with fresh dew adorned each and every nook and corner of the trees.Flowers glimmered under shady patches,white petals on stems so slender and delicate that he walked with care,so as not to tread on them.The faint odour of pinewood and mildew rent the air.
Oaks,something which casually resembled eucalyptus...a hundred nameless trees..Mirōven looked up.
Heavens,he had forgotten how tall a tree could grow to be..

He closed his eyes for a moment and memories held back,gushed in.Laura and Maria hiding on top of a tree while Cassandra desperately searched around for them.A vale of lavenders,him and Cassandra...........

The memories fought for control,but Mirōven fought them hurt to remember, and he had to stay focused.

The deal about the General wasn't his priority, but yet,at the moment,he had to.He needed the gold,for it helped like nothing else when one wanted to get things done fast.
Mirōven looked at Shadowfoot beside him:his fur was matted,wet from the
knee tall grass and grimy from their walk.Also,an unbelievably big swarm of mosquitoes was bothering him.And yet,he walked on,uncomplaining.
The general had passed out again,some time before and Mirōven had been left with no choice but to tie him onto Shadowfoot's saddle.Personally,he would have liked to do away with him,but then,they hadn't specified how they wanted him,in the bounty call.

A gentle wind caressed his face and Mirōven caught a faint whiff of the city's breath.He was there.Ahead of him,were two intertwined and dusty pathways leading into Akram.The stark contrast between the city and the woods was remarkable.


It was near midday and Mirōven was worn out.They had arranged the exchange in the spice market of Akram and he very well couldn't ride into the market on Shadowfoot.The General was awake again and was getting on his nerves again.

"Ya can't afford a square meal can ya?For a moment,I'd thought ye were some kinda valiant hero doing itta for glory.Turns out I thought wrong.It isn't too late,ye can join my men..and you'll never have to worry about a meal again.Get them straight outta kitchens we do..boy ye don't know what ye be missing."

"You really have a death wish,don't you?", Mirōven stared coldly into his eyes.

"My men won't spare ye when they find out.Tear out the limbs outta you and feed em to the animals they will.Watch thy pride foolish man."

Miroven took out a mound of mud and plastered it across the General's face.He tore up the expensive tunic and ripped off the talisman necklace around his neck.
Tying the rope around his neck and giving him a push that sent him flailing to the ground on his knees,Mirōven spoke to the General.

"Look at yourself..not a soul,not even your own mother could recognize you now.."

Shadowfoot growled and the General spat at him.

"I advise you not to provoke him." Mirōven muttered.

"You can go now,my friend..You must be could go to the forest and I'll meet you at its edge after I am done with this business."

Shadowfoot licked his palm and trudged away slowly.The General sneered.

Mirōven spotted a bunch of berries in a bush and walked towards it.

"You", he said,pointing at the General" Don't get any."

After his meal,Mirōven notioned at the General to follow and walked towards the markets.Were it some other time, he would have stopped awhile,to stare at the sights before him:eye-catching displays of vessels filled with saffron and lentils and rice and turmeric..hundreds of items in a mind numbing array of choices,put out for sale.Vendors thronged the streets,crying out the names of their wares.
They moved on,taking three right forks in all..just as told.This corner of the market was devoted to herbs and blossoms.The scents were ever pervading..floating in the vernal air.
A lady clad in glitzy robes,sitting in the midst of a paraphernalia of items ranging from tarot cards to a live parrot, asked Mirōven if he wanted his future read.Another asked them if they wanted sprigs of freshly plucked Rosemary and Thyme.

Mirōven felt nauseated and slightly dizzy..He felt unsure of the cause..maybe it was the sweet narcotic scent from all the basket fulls of jasmine,maybe it was something else..the berries he ate?He could feel rivulets of sweat trickling down his back as he strained to keep walking.And finally,they reached the spot.


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