Monday 30 January 2017


The General was fuming with rage.Such humiliation he'd been subjected to..and that too from a puny Wolf Rider.It had been several hours since he had been captured,and yet..he hadn't seen so much as even a shadow of someone from the One Army.
He wondered in true amazement how people could neglect their leader thus.
Maybe,he thought, they had been waiting all along to eliminate him and take his position as leader...

When he got back after this..unpleasant business,the General decided,he was going to weed out quite a few people from his Army..The Bedouin twins for instance..Oh what headaches they gave him,always asking questions and never obeying him..

The Dark Witch wasn't going to like how things had was certain that she'd punish atleast some of the people who were responsible for his fate..

...And that was when the Wolf Rider had blacked out and fallen to the ground.

The General was puzzled,yet happy about this bit of good fortune.

If only he could get these damned wretched ropes off his hands and legs..
The General sat down and began to bite at the cords binding his limbs get them off.It was a painful exercise, but right now,it had to be done.He gritted his teeth trying to break the ropes that had dug into his skin,and kept going on,not relenting to the pain.


It had been raining for a long time then.Mirōven gently nudged Shadowfoot and told him to move slowly,for the ground was still slippery.
The light had caught his attention first.And then he'd entered the flaming a corner was Maria..and Cassandra with her body wrapped around her daughter,as though in a desperate attempt to save her daughter from the hunger of greedy flames.

He had called out to them,even risked the flames and gone up to them,hoping to find a tiny sign of life,a little movement..something....anything.But no,that wasn't how it was to be.They were already gone.

Mirōven looked desperately for a third body..beneath the scorched furniture and bricks.His elder daughter,Laura had been ill and bedridden for a long time now..and had most definitely been in no condition to escape.Her body had to be there.He was sure of it.

A huge section of the wall collapsed and Mirōven stopped looking.He wiped his face-a mixture of soot,sweat and tears as he looked one last time at the place where he had no more any reason to return to.The place that had held his only hopes.The only place that had ever been Home.

Suddenly,a searing pain coursed through his body and Mirōven woke up with a start.And looked up into the eyes of the General standing over him,his dagger poised high in his hands and eyes gleaming with venomous malice.


Sunday 29 January 2017

6. Birthday Gift.

She kept wagging her orange furry tail lazily from side to side, out of habit. Laura watched its movement with curiosity.

Madamme Nira caught Laura staring, and suddenly aware of her wagging tail, held it still.

Nira and Laura were in the crafting room of Nira's shop. Nira was a potions master, and people who once came to her with potion requests, swore by her crafting ability. She was a short plump woman with a jovial face, always ready with a smile and who always seemed to be short of breath. She had short frizzly hair that fell to her shoulders, and a bright orange,long tail attached to her spine. A small mishap involving a human transmutation potion and a rogue fox long ago had left her stuck permanently with this curious extra appendage. It had been difficult at first, but over time Nira had learnt to live with it. She took good care of her tail, always making sure to keep it combed and washed; at times she even seemed proud of it.

"Haven't you gotten used to it by now?" Nira asked Laura as she added some ground herbs to the steaming black cauldron.

"It's not everyday you get to see a fox tailed lady" Laura said with a twinkle of mischief in her eye.

"You have been seeing me everyday for almost seven years dear" Nira mocked a sigh as she started stirring the cauldron, alternating between a wooden and silver spatula at regular intervals.

Laura laughed just as the door bell chimed. The first customer of the day had come in.

"I'll get it", Laura said and gave Nira's tail a quick playful tug before closing the door behind her.

"Hey!" Nira objected, her tail wagging furiously, a motherly smile on her lips.

Nira had found Laura while out picking herbs for a new experimental potion from the forest. Injured, in rags and covered in soot, the girl, who looked barely twelve, moved Nira's heart. Laura at first was unwilling to come near the strange lady with a tail, but with much coaxing Nira managed to take Laura home, and gave her a good bath and some warm food. That had been almost seven years ago. Laura had been living with Nira ever since, being simultaneously a helping hand to an aging Nira in her potions shop, her apprentice, and a daughter she never did have. Laura remembered little of her life before Nira found her, except for her name, vague recollections of a family, and recurring nightmares of being chased by savage beasts with bright eyes through a dark forest.

The potion she was stirring had turned a dark green with parallel purple streaks. It smelt like raw groundnut and milk. Almost done, Nira thought gleefully. She had told Laura it was a bone strengthening potion one of her older clients had asked of her, and Laura wasn't experienced enough in the art of potion crafting to know otherwise. As much as Nira hated lying, this one had to remain a secret, a sweet little surprise for Laura, on the seventh anniversary of the day she had found her. A birthday gift.


"Wake up Leo" Scorpi cried, shaking him violently.

Leo slowly opened his eyes. Scorpi had a serious look on her face. Their tent flap was half open and Leo could hear a great buzz of activity outside the tent.

He smiled, and in a quick motion pulled Scorpi down onto the bed beside him and snuggled into her hair, giving her neck a quick peck. He had been married to her for almost a year now, and he still was very much madly in love with her.

"No Leo, I.." Scorpi protested.

Leo placed a finger over her lips. "I know darling" he whispered into her ear, smiling, "It's my birthday, my nineteenth, the day I become part of the Army, and you probably have some huge prank planned for me, but right now, right now I want a bit more love from you." He hugged her closer.

"No Leo, I'm serious" Scorpi said, pushing him away. Leo heard the tinge of panic in her voice. Propping himself up on his elbows Leo looked at Scorpi. She looked scared. This was no prank.

"What happened?" He asked, dread rising in his chest.

"The camp was attacked in the night" a gruff voice said. Leo turned around to see Commander Bradier standing at the tent entrance, in full battle ready armour.

"By who?" asked Leo, getting up from his bed.

"We are not sure" Bradier replied, his voice grave, "The bodies of a few of the guards on duty have been found. From the wound marks on them, we think it may have been a Wolf Rider."


Bradier hesitated for a second, and did not look Leo in the eye when replying.

"We believe the General has been abducted."

Friday 27 January 2017

5.Cross Over

The forest dappled in the morning light,the shadow of leaves dancing and making patterns on his face.Cobwebs,wet with fresh dew adorned each and every nook and corner of the trees.Flowers glimmered under shady patches,white petals on stems so slender and delicate that he walked with care,so as not to tread on them.The faint odour of pinewood and mildew rent the air.
Oaks,something which casually resembled eucalyptus...a hundred nameless trees..Mirōven looked up.
Heavens,he had forgotten how tall a tree could grow to be..

He closed his eyes for a moment and memories held back,gushed in.Laura and Maria hiding on top of a tree while Cassandra desperately searched around for them.A vale of lavenders,him and Cassandra...........

The memories fought for control,but Mirōven fought them hurt to remember, and he had to stay focused.

The deal about the General wasn't his priority, but yet,at the moment,he had to.He needed the gold,for it helped like nothing else when one wanted to get things done fast.
Mirōven looked at Shadowfoot beside him:his fur was matted,wet from the
knee tall grass and grimy from their walk.Also,an unbelievably big swarm of mosquitoes was bothering him.And yet,he walked on,uncomplaining.
The general had passed out again,some time before and Mirōven had been left with no choice but to tie him onto Shadowfoot's saddle.Personally,he would have liked to do away with him,but then,they hadn't specified how they wanted him,in the bounty call.

A gentle wind caressed his face and Mirōven caught a faint whiff of the city's breath.He was there.Ahead of him,were two intertwined and dusty pathways leading into Akram.The stark contrast between the city and the woods was remarkable.


It was near midday and Mirōven was worn out.They had arranged the exchange in the spice market of Akram and he very well couldn't ride into the market on Shadowfoot.The General was awake again and was getting on his nerves again.

"Ya can't afford a square meal can ya?For a moment,I'd thought ye were some kinda valiant hero doing itta for glory.Turns out I thought wrong.It isn't too late,ye can join my men..and you'll never have to worry about a meal again.Get them straight outta kitchens we do..boy ye don't know what ye be missing."

"You really have a death wish,don't you?", Mirōven stared coldly into his eyes.

"My men won't spare ye when they find out.Tear out the limbs outta you and feed em to the animals they will.Watch thy pride foolish man."

Miroven took out a mound of mud and plastered it across the General's face.He tore up the expensive tunic and ripped off the talisman necklace around his neck.
Tying the rope around his neck and giving him a push that sent him flailing to the ground on his knees,Mirōven spoke to the General.

"Look at yourself..not a soul,not even your own mother could recognize you now.."

Shadowfoot growled and the General spat at him.

"I advise you not to provoke him." Mirōven muttered.

"You can go now,my friend..You must be could go to the forest and I'll meet you at its edge after I am done with this business."

Shadowfoot licked his palm and trudged away slowly.The General sneered.

Mirōven spotted a bunch of berries in a bush and walked towards it.

"You", he said,pointing at the General" Don't get any."

After his meal,Mirōven notioned at the General to follow and walked towards the markets.Were it some other time, he would have stopped awhile,to stare at the sights before him:eye-catching displays of vessels filled with saffron and lentils and rice and turmeric..hundreds of items in a mind numbing array of choices,put out for sale.Vendors thronged the streets,crying out the names of their wares.
They moved on,taking three right forks in all..just as told.This corner of the market was devoted to herbs and blossoms.The scents were ever pervading..floating in the vernal air.
A lady clad in glitzy robes,sitting in the midst of a paraphernalia of items ranging from tarot cards to a live parrot, asked Mirōven if he wanted his future read.Another asked them if they wanted sprigs of freshly plucked Rosemary and Thyme.

Mirōven felt nauseated and slightly dizzy..He felt unsure of the cause..maybe it was the sweet narcotic scent from all the basket fulls of jasmine,maybe it was something else..the berries he ate?He could feel rivulets of sweat trickling down his back as he strained to keep walking.And finally,they reached the spot.


Thursday 26 January 2017

4.Bounty Hunter

Under a clear blue sky and on a green grassy hill, Mirōven sat, studying his dagger. The remnants of the fire he had built for the night was still smouldering, and the saddle, with all his possessions already packed in and ready to go, rested against a tree. Mirōven was dressed in black boiled leather with a golden sun insignia embroidered on his right arm and a small non descript brown scabbard for the dagger hung from his waist. His black travel cloak lay on the grass beside him.

The dagger was a heirloom of the family. It was handed down to Mirōven by his father ,and by his father before him, and by his father before him, and by his father before him, who had had it forged himself. The hilt was golden and in shape of a dragon's head. Mirōven's hand fit snugly over the dragons neck and just below it's lower chin, and never in all his years had his grip ever faltered. The blade itself was black, not the glossy black of an onyx, but rather the all consuming inky blackness of a new moon.

Mirōven spun the blade in his palm, first to the left and then to the right. The weight was as familiar as ever. He lightly ran his thumb over its edge, and felt a slight tingle of pain as a single bright red drop of blood gathered on his thumb. Satisfied, he replaced the dagger back in its scabbard.

As if on cue, Shadowfoot emerged from the trees nearby. Mirōven's wolf was a huge beast. He came upto Mirōven's elbow, and Mirōven himself was a large man standing in at almost seven feet tall. Shadowfoot had long fur black as the blade, except for a small white diamond shaped patch near his front left paw. He had gone hunting for prey in the morning and was just now returning, his jaw adorned with blood of some hapless animal that had the misfortune to be in his sight.

Shadowfoot bounded upto where Mirōven was sitting. Mirōven took a rag out of his  belt and wiped Shadowfoot's jaw of the blood. Once he was clean, Mirōven placed the rag back in his belt and stroked Shadowfoot's black warm and cosy fur. Placing his head against the beast's side, Mirōven gave Shadowfoot a quick hug. They had been by each other for so long, they were less man and beast and more like brothers.

"Am I interrupting?" a sneering voice cut through Mirōven's thoughts.

John Abrahnet or General as he was infamously known as, was notorious. He was the ringleader of a gang of thugs that called themselves the One Army. Starting out as a motley crew of thieves, it had soon grown in numbers and stature, with thugs, bandits, kidnappers, murderers and all sorts of rogues joining it's ranks. Anyone with enough coin could hire them, and no dirty job was below them.

General now sat leaning against a tree. Mirōven glanced at his captive. General had his hands bound from wrists to elbows with thick rope which then looped around his neck and was tied to a sturdy branch on the same tree. He was a wiry fellow dressed in rough hewn grey clothes; dusty from travel and in need of a bath.

General had a huge bounty on his head, but capturing him meant having to go through One Army. Mirōven took his chance when after a party to celebrate another successful assassination the whole group was in a drunken stupor. He had to dispose of a few guards, but other than that capturing General had gone easier than planned. The One Army would just be waking up right now, and when they found dead guards and a missing leader, a chase would surely be afoot. Mirōven had put some considerable distance between them during the night, but he was not yet completely safe.

General spat onto the ground, interrupting Mirōven's thoughts once again. "Oh.. don't mind me" he said, "Ya lovebirds continue with your lil moment of love."

Mirōven got up from where he was sitting and brushed the dirt off his cloth. He then picked up the cloak and put it on. General had been sleeping and Mirōven didn't want to disturb him till Shadowfoot had came back. And now General had woken himself and saved Mirōven the trouble of having to wake him.

"Time to get going,boy" Mirōven said in a low voice to Shadowfoot. Shadowfoot acknowledged with a small growl. Mirōven moved to get the saddle. Shadowfoot stood still as Mirōven fastened it to the wolf's back.

"I heard ya screaming in your sleep" General taunted, the sneer still in his voice, "Had ya some bad dreams soldier? One eyed monsters with scary teeth come for ya?"

Mirōven walked over to where General was sitting. He towered over the sitting man and stared at him silently for a few seconds, before his right fist came swinging down onto General's cheek. Blood spilled and General went crashing to the ground.

"Your bounty didn't specify whether they wanted you alive or not." Mirōven said in a matter of fact voice, "Another word and only your head will be coming rest of the way"he warned.

Mirōven reached up and untied the rope holding General from the branch. Shadowfoot came over to him and Mirōven tied the rope to the front of the saddle.

"We are going." Mirōven stated flatly without looking back as he mounted Shadowfoot and the wolf started to move forward. General, coughing up blood, struggled to get onto his feet and followed them on his sore bleeding feet.

In the distance, the rotting skyscrapers of the abandoned city of Akram kissed the morning sky.

Wednesday 25 January 2017


         The lady clad in black frowned at the sound of wings flapping.

It would be Cara,she thought.A mere puppet in her hands he was,but then again,he had once proved himself to be useful.Exactly once.Truthfully,she was tiring of him.In many ways.For one,he talked too much.Then,he had the horrible habit of coming in through the chimney.Spreading soot all over the place.

Well,she could easily get a human to do the cleaning and filty work,but involved her having to venture out of her castle. And she didn't want to do that yet.Not before the spell was complete.

"Mistress", Cara crowed.

..And then,there was the whole having to switch into alternate languages business..Just to think of the sheer ignominy.. Reduced to having to speak Bird.She shook her head.

If only He had stayed by her and accepted her offer to rule worlds with her.She had promised  Him Everything.. immeasurable wealth,eternal youth,possession of boundless stretches of land,a million attenders to cater to even the smallest of His desires,power...everything that He  could possibly want.

But..He had rejected it all.Spurned her offer.. for a common rustic girl and two children.Three mortals..who could give Him nothing like what she had to offer.It was always a puzzle for her,what He saw in them..And yet,He had turned against her.

It was impossible to fight Him without her becoming stronger,but she had had part of her revenge.Her eyes gleamed as she basked in the memory of the screams of pure agony that had risen from the burning cottage,that day.

Well,she had offered..not once,but twice.Now perhaps,He'd see the that the foolish girl was gone.

Cara's crowing shook her out of her thoughts.

"What do you have for me,servant?Does she seem to remember anything?Did you see anything unusual?"

"Nothing, Mistress,nothing but-"

"Then get out of my sight,vermin",she said,her voice low and deadly now.

Yet,Cara remained.

"Mistress,I think she was looking a bit too keenly at me."

"You piece of filth..haven't I told you to stay in the shadows? She was never supposed to see you..she was never supposed to see anything that might remind her of her past."

"But Mistress, I thought I could get a better view if I went a bit closer"

"I'm done with you."


The lady in black pointed a,finger at Cara and moved her lips yet again.But this time the something that was uttered wasn't Bird.

The little boy who had foolishly ventured into the castle grounds outside,in the hope of finding mushrooms dropped his basket and ran screaming with a voice that he no longer possessed.


1.Raven Gaze

        Feline,that was how people usually described her.They kept their distance and seldom talked to was almost as if they were afraid that she would shape-shift any moment and pounce upon them. 
        Laura ran her hands through her hair and tied it into a loose bun of sorts.The ice still hadn't melted in her cold coffee.Slowly,humming her favourite tune,she rose from her armchair and opened the blinds.As the amber rays of the ever delicious morning sun filled her room,she took a sip of her coffee and walked towards her balcony.

        A one legged raven was perched on the clothesline.One which was looking intently at her with its inky black,beady eyes.Laura was not a tad,not even a teeny bit superstitious..but right then, she couldn't help but feel that there was something oddly unsettling about her visitor.

Monday 23 January 2017


Passing over the small roll of the hill, Mirōven suddenly came into sight of the cottage. It nestled snugly in the lap of a great grassy meadow, smoke billowing from its chimney with the promise of a warm meal and a comfy bed inside, and the grass around it swaying gently in the mild breeze. It was a beautiful sight; one that took his breath away.

Home. He finally was back.

Unmounting his wolf and motioning it to stay, he passed through the gate. Light laughter flitted out through the door. Mirōven's pulse quickened. He hadn't seen both of them in a while; what if they didn't recognise him? Or worse, what if he didn't recognise them? He stopped in his tracks. The urge to go back suddenly siezed him, to leave it all behind and run away all over again. He traveled light, this was too big a weight for him to carry.

The door suddenly flew open, and she was standing there. Beautiful as ever in a blue dress, her hair gracefully falling over her shoulder, a smile on her lips. Cassandra.

"Benny... "

She had called out to him. She remembered him. Relief and joy washed over Mirōven, nearly bringing tears to his eyes.

"What is it Mommy?" He heard the sweet voice of a girl ask innocently from inside the cottage.

"A special someone sweetheart" Cassandra's smile grew wider as she motioned him to come in.

Mirōven moved towards her. She seemed to get more beautiful with each step he took. It had been too long. All the love and longing came flooding back to him as he got closer and closer to the cottage door. Cassandra, that gorgeous smile still on her lips, stepped back to allow him to come in.

He crossed the threshold and was in the cottage. Little Maria was sitting on the floor, playing with a little red truck. She looked up at the strange man in her house and then to her mummy. Mirōven's heart melted. She had her mother's eyes. He wanted nothing more right now than to take her in his arms and cover her with kisses.

He looked back at Cassandra, and fell backwards in horror. Cassandra's face was gone; in its place was a hideous skull, stripped of all flesh. Her dress was falling apart in places, and black filth oozed out of it.

Terror filled Mirōven. "No...." He mouthed as he staggered backwards against the far wall, then jumped away as he felt a sharp stinging pain. He spun his head around. The wall was burning. He looked back around in fear. Cassandra was not to be seen. The entire cottage was up in flames. Maria was still sitting on the floor, playing happily with her truck.

"Maria no.." he lunged, as a part of the burning ceiling caved in. Maria was on the floor, covered in blood, and through a crack in her skull Mirōven saw maggots eating away at her brain. She still was clutching the truck.

He covered his eyes with his hands in horror and wished for it to stop. This can't be happening , he thought, I had come so far...

Mirōven felt his hands being pried away from his eyes. Cassandra was standing there, the skull inches away from his face, her empty sockets staring into his, the cottage burning all around her.

"You came far Benny," the skull spoke in her sweet voice, "You came far, but you came slow. I am sorry."


Mirōven woke up screaming.