Monday 10 July 2017

19. Ends and Means

“Why are we back here again?” Andrew-Shadowfoot asked.
Miroven and his wolf-brother companion were standing near the entrance to Emerin, overlooking the underground city bathed in its eerie green glow. Miroven took one more sweeping glance of the city before answering.
“The wind spirit ... resides within me”, Miroven said, his astonishment at the fact still not overcome, “But it has been dormant my entire life. Dormant spirits wake only when in presence of a catalyst, something that helps the user connect with his or her spirit and channel its power. Thats why most elementals to date have had an amulet or weapon associated and unseperable from them. The trinket was the one enabling him, or her, to access their inner power source.”
Miroven was silent for a while, surveying Emerin, and finally turned to Andrew.
“We, you and I, have been all over the world together brother”,he said, “And what happened a few moments ago hasn’t happened anywhere else. It could only mean one thing. Whatever awakened my spirit is in Emerin and nowhere else.”
Andrew took in the vastness of Emerin stretching and tunneling away before them. “But how do we find it?”
Miroven considered the question for a few moments.
“It has to be something that we came in contact with here. There is also the possibility it might even be something on that thief who grabbed my coins. But there’s nothing to do about that right now. I think we might just as well start with Vayu’s curiosities”.
Andrew-Shadownfoot nodded. One more quick survey of Emerin later, the brothers set off, retracing their path back to the hoarder elf’s home.


Oblivion was pacing her palace hall, furious at recent developments. After all these years her plans were about to be spoiled by a mere potion lady who had the nerve to brew a memory recovery potion. It was a recipie thought to be lost to time, and voila, now and here of all the possibilities it chose to resurface. Madamme Nira was good at what she did, and she was close to Laura too.
An idea suddenly sparked in Oblivion’s mind, and quickly grew. Yes, she thought, thats the way. It was a messy solution, but it could be one to work in her favor over the long run. She had to act fast though, Laura could decide to take the potion at any time.
With a quick swirl of her hooded robes, Oblivion vanished into thin air.
Madamme Nira and Laura were walking along their usual route through the woods. Vibrant fields of flowers lay to one side and huge trees of the forest surrouding Akram to the other. It was a path they both took to on special occasions, a little stroll away from the city, enjoying natures splendor beside each other.
Laura was holding the bottle of the potion Nira had gifted her, subconciously weighing it in her hands. It was surprisingly heavy.
Noticing her, Nira smiled. “Its the weight of memories not experienced and experiences forgotten”, she said.
Laura playfully dug her elbow into Nira’s plump ribs. “Philosophical are we Madamme Nira?”, she teased.
Nira laughed heartily, her bushy tail wagging.
“But Nira,” Laura said, suddenly serious, “I am not sure about this", she looked down at the vial in her hand, "I could be anyone. What if I don't like who I am? What of you don't like who I am?”
Nira stopped and turned Laura around to face her, holding her by the arms.
“Look here Laura” she said, eyes shining, “Your past doesnt chan...”
There was a sudden flash of brilliance. Nira and Laura were thrown off their feet in opposite directions, falling hard on their backs.
Nira was in shock and couldn’t move. Her body ached. There was something warm and wet near her lower back. She knew it was blood. She couldn’t feel her tail.
Slowly Nira rolled onto her side; and stared in horror. Her tail lay a full foot away from her, its edge crimson. It had been torn right off.
The thought of Laura suddenly came to her, and she painfully looked to where they were standing. Where both of them had been a few moments ago now stood a woman clothed in black flowing robes. A hood had been pulled down to reveal a startlingly beautiful face. Nira glimpsed Laura lying on the floor behind the woman, clearly unconscious.
“Help”, Nira wheezed.
The lady in black drifted towards her.
“Oh dear, your tail seems to have been torn off! Thankfully, I can help . I specialize in such practices.” she beamed. The smile vanished as quickly as it came, and the woman put her hand on her chin as if thinking, “But wait. Humans do not have tails. Not such bushy ones.Hmm”, she was paused, pretending to think hard, and suddenly her face lit up. She looked back down at Nira, who was now on all fours and coughing, struggling to stand. “I know!”, exclaimed the woman, “You must be a fox!”
With one quick motion, the woman kicked Nira hard across her ribs. Nira flew sideways and onto her back, tears streaming down her face, blood spilling from her lips. She clenched her eyes close in pain.
Nira felt something cold enveloping her. She opened her eyes. Through dust and blood, she saw an orange glow forming all around her body. It seemed to be making her body shrink. Brown hair suddenly sprouted out of her skin, and in a few seconds she had a thick fur coat. Her ears were elongating, her face was lengthening, her fingers were melting together.
“” Nira rasped with the last of her strength as the spell took full hold.
Oblivion watched with emotionless eyes as Madamme Nira’s body writhed and twisted and contorted under the effect of the hex. After a few more seconds, the spell was complete, and its orange glow diffused into the evening light. Where Madamme Nira lay, there now stood a fully grown vixen, staring hard at Oblivion.
Oblivion stared back for a second. She bent down, picked up a stone, and hurled it in the animal's direction. The fox that was Madamme Nira darted into the forest.
I love human transmutation, Oblivion thought as she picked up the fallen vial of memory potion. She looked into its contents against the gathering dusk, and then at Laura, still out cold. Such a waste, Oblivion though as she opened the vial, pouring all its contents to the dirt path. She dropped the bottle, shattering the glass to a thousand pieces.
It was time for her next move. Oblivion brought her hands together and concentrated for a second. The spell erupted out of her hands in a swirling yellow tornado, covering her entirely. It swirled around the sorceress for a few minutes, before dissipating. Where Oblivion stood, now stood Madamme Nira, complete with her bushy tail. Nira looked at her wagging tail, and smirked. Inside her, the fire spirit surged through the new body, exploring it.
Oblivion looked at Laura. Awww sweety, she thought, time to wake up. We got so much to do together.


Larry leaned back in his high throne, crossed his legs and brought his fingers together. He regarded the pitiful humans standing in chains in front of him. They were mostly men, a few women and a couple of young kids, coming to around thirty people. All had their clothes torn, dusty and bloodied, most of them bleeding, and looked to be at the verge of collapsing. The OneArmy,Larry smirked,what’s left of it anyhow. The captain had told him a few dozen good soldiers had died in the skirmish, but this was a victory worth the spent lives.
“I didn’t ask for prisoners Captain” Larry spoke out, his eyes not leaving those in front of him in his hall.
“Sire, we couldn’t find the King’s son L”, the Captain began, but suddenly caught himself as Larry shot him a murderous look.
“The traitor General’s son Leo”, he corrected himself quietly, knowing quite well the price of incurring the High King’s wrath.
“So? You bring these filth to my hall?”
“I’m sorry Your Highness”, the captain said, bowing his head, “but I thought you would...”
“No.”, Larry cut him off, “I do not care about insects. Squish it if it makes trouble”, he turned towards the prisoners in shackles. He regarded them for a minute, one half of his lips curving upwards into a smug smile.
“My father taught me to treat guests with respect”, he sneered, “So I’ll give you , my honored guests an option. Die, or kneel before me. Accept me as your sovereign overlord and work as the palace slaves for the rest of your lives.”
A few of the men looked up to catch his eye, but none of them seemed to register shock. They all were expecting to be slaughtered, already resigned to their fate. Larry smirked again.
“What’s your decision, One Army?” Larry uncrossed his leg and leaned forward, an evil gleam in his eyes. A black masked soldier wielding an axe in stepped up to beside the King.
A heavy set man standing at the front of the rows of prisoners stood forward. His hands were bound behind him and he was bleeding from hundreds of cuts all over his body. Yet, Braider held his head high.
“My name is Braider”, he boomed in his strong voice, “ Commander of the OneArmy, the General’s friend. I will not serve under you”. Braider leveled his gaze with the King.
“Are you sure Braider?”, Larry asked, “I remember you from when I was young. Maybe I’ll be kind and give you work in the sty cleaning my pigs.”
Braider spat onto the ground, his face red and brimming with disgust and hatred. Larry quickly signaled with a slight nod of his head, and the executioner standing by Braider’s side swung the axe. Blood gushed out of Braider’s neck and splashed onto Larry’s face. Larry didn’t flinch. Braider's head rolled to one side as the decapitated body fell to the ground.
Larry looked up from the corpse and at the remaining prisoners, the sparkle of madness still in his eyes.
“Who’s next?”